Our Story
101st Brewery may have started in a garage, but our roots start in 1943 when Jim Ward, Ross’ grandfather, started his tour across Europe in World War 2. His journey was detailed in his diaries and letters written back to stateside. Those thorough letters and stories included humor, adventure, friendships, but also the darkest side of humanity and the horrors of war. Jim’s odyssey across the world kindled a curiosity in Ross’ father, Robert Ward, who was a student of World War 2 and never missed an opportunity to take Ross and his siblings to World War 2 museums, air museums, and even air shows that included Pearl Harbor reenactments.
When Ross started brewing beer in 2012 he would name beers after events, people, and places that are related to WW2. It was during this time that Ross realized that beer and WW2 are both global in nature. Depending on where you try beer, it’s local culture and geographic location impact aroma, mouthfeel, taste, texture, etc. In that same vein, depending on where you lived during the greatest conflict in human history your perspective and take on the war was formed based on your culture and geographic location. 101st Brewery aims to bring these two together and tell stories from the largest global conflict.
Impact Brewing
Our Philosophy

We have two core tenets we aim to stay true to:
Brew high quality beer across the beer spectrum. The 101st Airborne during WW2 had unmatched combat situational awareness. It didn’t matter the weather, climate, day or night, they were the elite fighting force of its time and very flexible during the war. In that spirit, 101st Brewery aims to be flexible and brew consistent, quality flavor profiles across the beer spectrum.
We want to transition away from being just a single generational brewery where we only look at WW2 veterans, to a multi-generational brewery where we’re looking at today’s and tomorrow’s veterans. We hope to work closely with local VFW organizations and other groups for fundraising needs and bring awareness to veteran causes. Operating a brewery is very expensive and capital intensive, but we hope to one day allocate 5% of our profits to local veteran organizations and emphasize profits for purpose and incorporate charity and compassion into our DNA.